Photo Gallery


Firefighter Kathryn Walters, Fire Chief Besson, and Firefighter Zemanek pose for a picture at Zemanek’s Fire Academy graduation.

Deputy Chief Drew Stander and Fire Chief Besson pose with fire academy graduate Rachel Zemanek.

A break in the action during our department’s Ice Rescue Training

A break in the action during our department’s Ice Rescue Training

Training to be the best… Ice Rescue Training

Firefighter Jared Ornelas mentoring Firefighter Rachel Zemanek during her fire academy studies.


Firefighter Keith O’Neil shows us his traffic control skills..

Lieutenant Chris Herman prepares his gear during a training exercise

Water Supply Operations – Training

Water Supply Operations – Training

Water Supply Operations – Training

Water Supply Operations – Training

Lieutenant Herman makes it look so easy during water supply training.

Firefighter Herman mans the controls during a water supply evolution.

Kathryn and Jared always have fun at work..

Countywide Disaster Drill – scenario based training

Countywide Disaster Drill – scenario based training

Training to be the best..

Countywide Disaster Drill – scenario based training

2017 Leland Twp. Fire & Rescue Staff Photo (10/5/17)

Leland Township Fire & EMS Personnel

Pictures From Around The Stations

Firefighters Russell Korson and Keith O'Neil conducting an equipment check and inventory of the ambulance's EMS supplies.  Historic Fishtown in the Village of Leland Good morning from the village of Lake Leelanau Overseeing the annual 4th of July Firework display Firefighters Kreft and Korson performing a rig check. A real-life snow globe courtesy of a Leelanau County snowstorm in the village of Leland. Lake Michigan as viewed from off of M-22 in Leland Township Fishtown in the village of Leland The sunset over Leland's harbor Spring meets the Winter along Lake Leelanau. Looking downstream towards fishtown from the bridge located alongside M-22 A foggy orchard in Leland Township's southside Dan Kreft, Leland Township's Fire Training Officer, discusses the start up procedures for some of our widland firefighting equipment Sergeant Herman and Firefighter Plamondon pose for a picture during a training scenario Assistant Chief Geoff Niessink working with Tanker 522 during a training drill. Deck Gun & Master Stream training Tanker shuttling and relay pumping training along S. Lake Street in Leland. Firefighters Nate Gooden and Shane Dunklow practicing on Engine 511 Sunset from Van's Beach in Leland The Narrows in Lake Leelanau

Assistant Fire Chief Niessink and Chief Besson (not pictured) install a new hydrant location sign and clean the area around it make it more visible for any fire apparatus that may need to locate it inclement weather or at night.

Reflective Address Signs are available through the fire department.

Zorran VanZandt’s Graduation from the Fire Academy